Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ten for Tuesday

Things that sucked yesterday.
1.  It rained all day.  Usually I love the rain...but not when I have a bunch of running around to do in it.
2.  I only got two of four errands done.
3.  The Post Office was closed.  It was a holiday yesterday. Yeah, Columbus Day. No mailing of hand knit socks to Oma and no mailing of birthday present to Becky.  Grrrr.
4.  I tried to go to Comcast to return a modem and exchange a remote. I went to what I thought was the customer service office, 30 minutes from home, it wasn't the right place.  So when I plugged in the correct address in the GPS, it was another 40 minutes away. I said screw it. I had a feeling if I drove out there they would be closed for the holiday anyway, with my luck.
5.  When I woke up, I crossed the room to turn on the light, turned around and jammed my foot into my cedar chest.  My middle toe on my right foot is a lovely shade of purple and red.  OUCH!!
6.  While driving to the wrong Comcast location, a spider dropped down on a web string about 3 inches from my FACE!!!  (All regular readers knew there had to be a spider involved on a sucky day.) There was nowhere to pull over, so I scrambled to find something to smoosh it with...and when it crawled up the web to the windshield, I killed it. Obviously this wasn't a very big spider or I would have crashed the car.
7.  The groomer called to say Gracie would be ready at 2pm.  Justine and I showed up to get her at 2pm and she wasn't done till 230pm.  I hate waiting, especially without my knitting.
8.  I went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of food for meals for the week Mike's folks will be here.  Totally forgot to plan for dinner tonight though, so we're getting sandwiches from Wawa.
9.  Said grocery store was PACKED with people...because it was a holiday!  I purposely go to the grocery store for big shopping trips on a Monday or Tuesday because it's less crowded.  Let me just say that people of Maryland drive their cars poorly...their grocery carts even worse!
10.  So today I have a doctor's appointment, Target and Comcast to get to when I thought I'd have a relaxing day ahead of me, waiting for my wonderful in-laws to arrive.  Nope.

And on a happy note...I started a new knitting project yesterday with the loveliest of yarns!  Malabrigo Rios in the English Rose colorway.  I treated myself to a new hat pattern. So, a pink hat.  Nothing cheers me up more.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, what a day! Makes you appreciate the days when everything goes right!
