On Sunday our whole world was covered in ice. Freezing rain. This means that rain falls and freezes on contact to whatever it touches. Trees, cars, plants, streets, bridges...the smallest to the biggest of things. Covered. In. Ice!
It was surreal to see and touch.
I touched a leaf on this plant and it was at least 1/2 inch thick with ice.
The simplest of things turned in the works of art, courtesy of Mother Nature.
Aunt Bea is a trooper, she wasn't even shivering.
Maybe when this defrosts, I'll finally trim this rose.
The berries were beyond beautiful.
Where do birds go when the weather is like this?! Poor babies!
Even big leaves and branches were coated with ice.
So yesterday was a "snow day"...they really should consider changing the name. This is the second snow day we've had due to ice (Ice Day?) and the 4th of 5 days allotted for snow days. If we use more, they come off of Spring Break and/or are added to the end of the school year. Mike went to work late, after the roads had been treated and snowplows scraped up the ice.
Then the sun came out and melted it all. That's when I ventured out for errands. I'm glad it melted so quick, well, if the sun hit it, it melted. The houses across the street are still icy. I'm glad we face the afternoon sun, very glad. Ice is very scary, you can't walk on it cuz it's so slippery, it's dangerous to drive on, it's heavy and it brings down tree branches and power lines. Not good.
Weather update...
Today is supposed to sleet/freezing rain around noon-ish, tomorrow just rain all day and Thursday morning, snow. I think we'll see the sun on Friday, but it will be cold...mid 20s. I guess March is coming in like a Lion. Will it go out as a Lamb? We'll see.