Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy New Year!
Here we are in St. Augustine. Picture was taken with my new ipod and then sent to my computer...kinda small. Hm...I'll have to work on getting the sizing right.

Christmas was fun! It came and went so quickly. Everyone loved their stuff...and I really want to thank all the relatives who send stuff to the kids. I know it's hard to get things done and shipped in time for Christmas. We really appreciate all the effort. Sure do miss seeing everyone and hanging out with the families.
2012 is going to be HUGE for us. I hope your New Year is full of new and exciting things.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas Spirit

The kids are going to an Ugly Christmas Sweater party tonight...although their sweaters aren't really all THAT ugly. Hey, at least I wasn't asked to knit anything! Whew!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Christmas and the Band (s)

Sunday, November 27, 2011
I've been knitting...(duh)
Since I've been out of touch lately, thought I'd update you on what's been going on...
I whipped up a couple of cowls this weekend...
First one is Cambrian Cowl from Coastal Knits. Really, get this book!! I could knit every item in it and be perfectly happy with every project. This yummy cowl is so clever, it's knit with bulky yarn (quick) and can unbutton and fold down for warmer weather (love it!). Here's the schematic for the pattern:

Now I have to go find buttons for my FO. It's a Christmas present for someone who may or may not read my blog, so no final pics till after the holidays.
Here's the second cowl:

Last week we were all home...no work or school. Well, I worked on Monday, but that was the only day. It was a fun, relaxing week just hanging out with Mike and the kids. We really didn't do much, which was nice; no running around or stressing out.
Thanksgiving was easy, quiet and delicious! Mike and Justine won some cashola in the football pool my dad does every year, so that was fun! We didn't have any family in town visiting, but that's ok, everyone is busy these days and travel is so expensive. It is a difficult holiday for me to be so far from the family though...Christmas is easier, I guess because it's such a wonderful distraction.
I have a ton of Christmas shopping to do, but I'm going to tackle it with a good attitude and plenty of "pick me ups" from Starbucks! I'm hoping to recruit some friends to shop with too...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
New PR and Second Place!

Another factor...when we woke up on Saturday it was 32 degrees! We bundled up (this means layers) and headed out to run...what are we nuts?!
The race was great! Very small, only about 500 runners. Nice flat, fast and pretty course.
I got a new personal record of 33:26 (7th of the 11 in my age group).
Mike got SECOND PLACE!!! He ran 25:08 (check that, an 8 minute mile pace)!!!
We didn't stay for the awards and now we sure wish we had. He can call and pick up his award this week. How cool is that...second place!!
Because Native Sun was the sponsor (it's a health food store, alot like Henry's, without the great produce, for your CA folks) we had wonderful after race snacks. Fresh fruit (strawberries, raspberries and blueberries) with granola, yogurt (or ice cream), bagels and bananas...and OJ!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
All Dressed Up!

I took these photos Saturday night before their party. Last night, they had percussion practice. They're too old to trick or treat anyway.

Happy November 1st to you! I really can't believe how fast this year is going by!! I see that as a good thing though...time flies when you're having fun, right?!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Personal Best!
The course was through Evergreen Cemetery, in the heart of the city...beautiful, huge oak trees, no traffic and plenty of shade. It was fast and flat! They lined people up by their pace, so it worked out better than most races where everyone just starts together. The picture above is what the t-shirts look like...cute, huh?
Mike's time - 28:18
My time - 34:17
A new personal best for me!!!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Senior Night
Last night was Senior Night at the High School (before the football game...last home game of the season). It's for football, cheer, dance team, guard and band Seniors and their parents. There was a nice reception before the game, then we all lined up and walked over to the field. We then met up with Veronica and walked down the field with her, arm in arm, had our picture taken... cheered on by the crowd. There were about 75 families...I'm really amazed we got through it before kick-off. Veronica presented us with a rose (me) and a pin (Mike).
Justine was with us, too! Here we are taking photos before our march down the field. Pictures taken with my phone...not bad, eh?
Mike and I were wearing our Band t-shirts!
The other night we ordered graduation announcements. And now Senior Night. I'm starting to get used to to the idea that my baby is going to graduate and head off to college. It's sinking in for her too. Last night she said, "Tonight was my last march around the field." She's not sad, she's really looking forward to her future. We are too.

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Getting ready...

Hope you're Halloween plans are spinning into place!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Coastal Knits

Gnarled Oak Cardigan
And just look at the cute hairdo on the model!

I finished Xenia. Another wonderful pattern by Vanessa Smith. The yarn is a sport weight by Ewephoric Fibers. I picked it up at the Florida Fiber In. LOVE the yarn...great twist on it, showed off the border pattern beautifully.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fortunate Cookies
Football Friday

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Class of 2012
Veronica is wearing her Senior t-shirt today! 

You get it? Ones Two...Class of 2012...12...now, you get it?
Joey, of course, said, "Ones Two...that's stupid." So Veronica shot back, "Oh yeah, let's see your class come up with something good for 14!" That's be a toughie. Maybe "The Ones Four Success"? I'll keep you posted.

You get it? Ones Two...Class of 2012...12...now, you get it?
Joey, of course, said, "Ones Two...that's stupid." So Veronica shot back, "Oh yeah, let's see your class come up with something good for 14!" That's be a toughie. Maybe "The Ones Four Success"? I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Needles on Fire!
My name is Brenda and I'm a small project addict.
No, really!
It started this summer when I wanted to do some small projects instead of socks, waiting for the Six Socks in September Challenge to begin. I looked back at my project pages on Ravelry and was really surprised to see what I'd completed. Here's the list...
Peridot Mitts (I did these in Madelinetosh dk, brown.) Really liked this pattern, it was quick and they look kinda old fashioned, the way the cuff is all bumpy. And it has one of my mom's favorite stitches...trinity stitch! Sorry I don't have a photo of my FO (a few of these don't have a photo yet). I'm hoping to have Joey take some photos this weekend and fill in the "blanks".
Packer Socks for theBecky (Beck...send me a photo!)
Thermis Cowl (I may frog this...not super thrilled with the outcome.)
Honey Cowl (This is very nice in Malabrigo!) Photo to come, sorry! I did a shorter version than the pattern shows.
THEN I knit my Six Socks in September and a beret from the new Coastal Knits per-order package. I'll post photos of that one next time.
And I still feel compelled to cast on more small projects! Here's what I'm thinking of next...
Paper Moon (new socks JUST came out with Knitty Deep Fall 2011) in bright pink Madelinetosh sock (oh my!)
Oak Grove Mitts (ordered some sport yarn from knitpicks in a charcoal gray...Ooooo)
Soleus (Madelinetosh Sock...burgundy with blue and pink)
Laurel by Jared Flood (I have a deep royal blue Woolease in my stash. I cast on last night at knitting, but dark yarn made it tough for me to see. I think this will be a daytime project only...darn you, old eyes!!

I'm making this with Woolease by Lion Brand. I know some of my knitsibs might frown upon making this in a "low end" yarn...but this yarn is really great. I made a Brambles Beret from some cream colored Woolease and it turned out beautiful (can't wait to wear it with my red coat this winter).
This one is a deep royal blue...with my red coat, it'll look great too!
Xenia (with my newly acquired yarn from the Florida Fiber In...the green stuff)
I have one sweater going...one lace weight shawl (well, two if you count the languishing Bridgewater that needs to be finished) AND I have a KAL starting in October with a friend to make the Plum Frost Cardi. ACK! These little projects are stopping me from my bigger projects, but I....can't........stop.............casting on!!!
THEN last night Justine asked me to knit her a SWEATER!! This almost never happens, you know, a family member of mine requesting a knitted item. I made her a green sweater out of Crayon from Knitpicks in 2008, and she still loves it, but it's getting a bit small. She wants basically the same thing, but a different color.

Here she is in her greenie...I love this picture!
Lucky for her, I have three shades of Crayon in my stash, enough of all three to do sweaters. Except for the brown, that's mine...I'd like a pullover in that, just a big, soft, comfy, wear-around-the-house type sweater this winter. I think I'll do a top down raglan for her (maybe an EZ sweater)...this time she wants yellow. Or was it orange? I better check.
So needless say, the needles have been on fire and will continue to be from the looks of things!
A lot of these small projects will become Christmas presents...probably. I'm using all my yarny resistance not to cast on two or three new projects!
Help! Someone talk me down!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Yarny Goodness from Florida Fiber In
This will probably become a lace shawl someday. Maybe this or something from this book (if I get it for Christmas). It looks very pink in the photo, but it's really more of a salmon pink. It has that brushed look you get from silk...very pretty and soft. The vendor was Four Purls yarn shop from Winter Haven, FL. Her booth was one of the best...plenty of yarn, kits, accessories, notions and other goodies. Three of us bought yarn from her.

This yarn is only available in the USA at The Loopy Ewe in St. Louis, MO. (I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong.) I went to their website to see the actual retail and they're sold out.

We all decided that there wasn't enough yarn at the Fiber In. You wouldn't know it by my haul, but it's true. There was TONS of fiber (duh). If I were a spinner, I'd be very thrilled by the selection. They also didn't take credit cards. I, of course, had plenty of cash...I don't take chances when it comes to buying yarn!
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