Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Count down begins....

Today I HAVE to mail my last package after work. I bought a Gingerbread House kit for the kids, so that needs to be put together (by them, not me...haha) probably today or tomorrow. Gotta hit the grocery store for some serious shopping, in preparation for Wednesday. Wednesday is Christmas Baking Day! Thursday is up in the air...then it's Christmas Eve! I only work Monday and Tuesday this week, so I'm very thankful for that! I'm picking up coffee for me and Diane this morning, too. We'll need it...baby it's cold outside!
There was frost on everything this morning! Veronica calls it "Florida snow". Mike even had ice on his windshield. Burr! It's wool for me today...socks, scarf, mitts, sweater, etc.
Here's some very cool news on the Band Front: The band has been invited to Tallahassee for the Governor's Inauguration Parade on January 4th! Awesome! I guess word of their Championship status got all the way to Tallahassee. Gov-to-be Rick Scott is one lucky devil to have them!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Last night was my last big shopping trip for Christmas. I really wanted to get it done before the weekend when everyone and their mother will be out shopping. I went right after work and was home by six...sweet! Everything fell into place, I got exactly what I wanted for everyone and a few unexpected things, too. It was one of those shopping trips where, as I started to acquire bags, I got warm so I had to carry my coat, too...and my purse. I couldn't decide which was more worn out, my feet or my arms! Usually I don't wear a coat because I know I'll have to carry it around, but it was 46 degrees at 3pm yesterday...burrr!!!
I went into one store to get some stocking stuffers for the girls and I literally could barely make it around the display carousels. I was knocking stuff off...it wasn't pretty. I have no idea how people get around in that store...I had bags and stuff, but if you were a big person with bags and stuff, you wouldn't be able to move through the store. Ugh.
What's for dinner Wednesday is kinda fallen by the wayside. I'm trying to come up with something fun for blogging for the New Year. Any ideas out there? Oh, dinner tonight? Left overs. There's ravioli, potato soup, spaghetti, grilled ham and cheese, Caesar salad and chicken nuggets...take your pick. Think I'll have soup and salad. Then off to knitting! Yeah!!
Stay warm today, if you're somewhere where it's cold (like here). If you're somewhere it's warm, well pftttt to you!
I went into one store to get some stocking stuffers for the girls and I literally could barely make it around the display carousels. I was knocking stuff off...it wasn't pretty. I have no idea how people get around in that store...I had bags and stuff, but if you were a big person with bags and stuff, you wouldn't be able to move through the store. Ugh.
What's for dinner Wednesday is kinda fallen by the wayside. I'm trying to come up with something fun for blogging for the New Year. Any ideas out there? Oh, dinner tonight? Left overs. There's ravioli, potato soup, spaghetti, grilled ham and cheese, Caesar salad and chicken nuggets...take your pick. Think I'll have soup and salad. Then off to knitting! Yeah!!
Stay warm today, if you're somewhere where it's cold (like here). If you're somewhere it's warm, well pftttt to you!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Festival of Lights 5K
Last night Mike and I ran the Festival of Lights 5K with Jen & Archie. It was so cold...still we started running, then it was rather nice. Talk about crowded...over 3, 000 runners. It took almost a mile before it thinned out enough to run comfortably. My left knee is giving me some pain, so between that and the crowd, my time wasn't so great. I went into the race knowing it would be bad, but that's ok with me. The route was so nice...a little dark at times but the entire route was lined with luminaries. Very cool! I really enjoyed the run. At the finish there was this crushing sea of people...that was a little uncomfortable, but luckily Mike found me quickly. Afterwards, we all went out for dinner!
I think next year I'll do this again, but get more into the spirit of the run and dress up. Some people had on pajamas, red/white stripped socks, Santa hats, etc. There were runners with Christmas lights attached to themselves! It was a big family run, so TONS of strollers and dogs...and kids! I saw so many kids running (with little whining) and having a blast. One stroller was decked out with Christmas lights...so cute!
Mike's time: 32:53
My time: 42:32
I think next year I'll do this again, but get more into the spirit of the run and dress up. Some people had on pajamas, red/white stripped socks, Santa hats, etc. There were runners with Christmas lights attached to themselves! It was a big family run, so TONS of strollers and dogs...and kids! I saw so many kids running (with little whining) and having a blast. One stroller was decked out with Christmas lights...so cute!
Mike's time: 32:53
My time: 42:32
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Science Fair
My chocolate covered peanut brittle came in the mail yesterday. To say it's delicious is an understatement. The brittle part has tons of peanuts, and it's not too hard...covered with milk chocolate; it's a great combination. Mike loves it, I mean he LOVES IT! I have a feeling it will go fast.
Last night was the Science Fair Awards Dinner at Justine's school. The dinner was a complimentary spaghetti dinner...not bad either. Justine didn't win any awards, but it was fun to see the kids who did...they were super excited about science (go figure!). Some of the experiments were very clever. Nine kids made it to the district level and will compete again. We really are so proud of Justine, she stayed organized and on schedule with her project (with little to no nagging from yours truly). SHE was very proud of her project and that was very cool to see.
Going Christmas shopping today...wish me luck!
And on a date with my husband tonight...woohoo!!
Last night was the Science Fair Awards Dinner at Justine's school. The dinner was a complimentary spaghetti dinner...not bad either. Justine didn't win any awards, but it was fun to see the kids who did...they were super excited about science (go figure!). Some of the experiments were very clever. Nine kids made it to the district level and will compete again. We really are so proud of Justine, she stayed organized and on schedule with her project (with little to no nagging from yours truly). SHE was very proud of her project and that was very cool to see.
Going Christmas shopping today...wish me luck!
And on a date with my husband tonight...woohoo!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Christmas Concert

Veronica played with the percussion ensemble and the symphonic band. When she plays with the whole band, she's always in the very back and usually plays auxiliary (all those funny sounds that make Christmas music so fun). They played Sleigh Ride and Veronica did the bells the whole time. A mom next to me asked if Vs arms fell off after jingling those bells through the whole song...haha.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh crap...missed blogging yesterday. Hope you'll forgive me. I was so busy...took Joey shopping for his "concert band" out fit. He looks like Johnny Cash...head to toe black. Pic to come soon. I baked yesterday and had the Bunco ladies over for a little Christmas party. We didn't play Bunco, because currently we're short 4 players, but we did play Harry Potter UNO. The ladies from England who brought the game, pronounce the name as You-know, which was cracking us Americans up! By the end of the third game we were yelling: You-know UNO! It was super fun, but I lost miserably (probably a good thing we weren't keeping score).
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Day of the Dead Fella

There's no yarn shop, but there's a Tequila Museum in Old Town. I know some knitters who would love that!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gingerbread Lane

This little house is from a kit we got at Michaels. It's one of three that she built.
I love the photo, it looks like it's taken at night with stars twinkling in the back ground. (That's our big Christmas tree making the "star" effect.)
Our knit group decorated the tree in GCS for Christmas on Walnut Street, which starts on Saturday. It was dark and very cold. My fingers were numb! A bit of a challenge too, because we had to do it by flashlight! We did the job though, zip tied all the garlands and ornaments to the tree, in an effort to stop any thieves. After, we drove to FI for some knitting and coffee at Starbucks (the one in GCS was closed...still can't believe that!). Fun!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well, here it is, December 1st. Christmas is a mere 24 days away. I've only bought one Christmas gift, but I do have my Christmas trees and decorations AND lights up. Did you catch that? Yes, this year we have two trees. We've had a fake tree for years (since the year the water stand leaked and ruined my hard wood floor), so this year I requested we get a small real tree. Lord knows we have plenty of ornaments. I could probably have three and still have plenty, only problem is space...where would I put a third tree?!
Anyway, I'm going to post every day till Christmas! It'll be something related to Christmas...a picture, something fun and Christmas-ie we did as a family or with friends. Hope you enjoy it! A couple years ago I did this, but I featured a different ornament each day. It was in 2008 if you want to take a peek.

This is what setting up the fake tree looks like in our house. They eventually got it set up.

Christmas just isn't Christmas unless these three Santas are hanging up! My mom had a set of these when we were growing up (still does, in fact) and us kids would jump to see which one we could reach...this would change over the years as we grew taller. One year I copied them and made a set for me and my three siblings. One of my coolest gifts ever, if I do say so myself.
Now my kids are jumping to see which one they can reach...very cool.
What's for dinner Wednesday? Tacos tonight! Then our knit group is heading down to Green Cove Springs to decorate our tree for the Parade of Trees. You can look for an update on that tomorrow.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Family Traits

I was struggling to spoon out the juices (and not very successfully, I might add). Then, I called my mom to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving and told her about not having a baster. She says, "Tell your driving teenager to go to Walmart and get you a baster!" So I did. It was smooth sailing from then on...you see, you're never too old to get advice from your mother.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I miss my California family, but I'm so grateful to have Mike's folks here to celebrate with us. Hi to everyone at mom's house today...we miss you guys so much!!
Are you going shopping on Black Friday? If you are, please be careful! Drink plenty of coffee so you're wide awake for those bargains you couldn't live without at 3am in the morning. Yeah, did you see that...Kohl's is opening up at 3am! Good grief!
I'm not shopping on Black Friday...not sure what we're doing. We're probably start on our Christmas decorating. The kids have a football game that night, a play-0ff game. We probably won't go because it's supposed to rain. The weather is supposed to cool off, too. Highs going down to the 60s and lows into the 30s...oh good! Bring on the wool!!
Have a fun, safe holiday!
Are you going shopping on Black Friday? If you are, please be careful! Drink plenty of coffee so you're wide awake for those bargains you couldn't live without at 3am in the morning. Yeah, did you see that...Kohl's is opening up at 3am! Good grief!
I'm not shopping on Black Friday...not sure what we're doing. We're probably start on our Christmas decorating. The kids have a football game that night, a play-0ff game. We probably won't go because it's supposed to rain. The weather is supposed to cool off, too. Highs going down to the 60s and lows into the 30s...oh good! Bring on the wool!!
Have a fun, safe holiday!
Wonderful Wednesday!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Playing and Knitting
Mike's folks arrived safe and sound Monday evening. Tuesday we just hung out at home, playing games, knitting, eating a lovely lunch on the patio and just catching up.
Mary Lou said she got pulled aside at the SD airport for a "pat down". She had surgery on her knee a couple years ago and it always sets off the machine. Anyway, she said the gal was very polite, explained everything she was gonna do before she did it and for the most part it wasn't all together totally unpleasant. She didn't think it was any big deal. Good to know. I hope it never happens to me though.
These pictures were taken at our local park. Lucky for us, we have a park within walking distance of the neighborhood. If we lived in the city of Jacksonville, this would be a non-issue. Jacksonville has the largest urban park system in the country. Want to see how many? Go here.
I knit a sock yesterday:

This is Anastasia.
Kelly have me the pattern and I finally gave it a try. It has a short-row toe and heel (toe up sock). I did a regular toe (Turkish cast on and inc around). I tried something new though, I did the short-row heel! It took a couple tries, but I had my Wendy Toe Up book close at hand, and that really helped. On the second half of the heel, when you knit/purl the double wraps...ugh! What a pain. I had the crochet hook out for help on that one. It looks pretty good, but I will probably stick with the slip-stitch heel in the future. The pattern on this sock wraps around the leg...very cool! It's easy to memorize, too. I love the look of the pattern with the subtle striping of the yarn. The yarn is Knit Picks Tonal.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sabado Gigante!
Saturday was great!
Veronica and Joey had their last band competition of the year, Championships in Tampa. They made 5th place in their class in prelims (drumline got 2nd) which qualified them for finals! They were so excited about just making it to finals that they were totally unprepared for the rush of joy when the band placed FIRST in their class and 5th over all in the State of Florida!!!!!!! They can't stop talking about it. They had a great season.
Now they're looking forward to Winter Drumline aka VELOCITY!!
Mike, Jen and I did the McKenzie RUN. There were over 2,000 participants. I couldn't believe the amount of people! It was difficult to run; I usually enjoy the scenery when I'm out for a run, but this crazy race...I spent the whole time dodging people (mostly walkers). My finish time was just over 35 minutes, which was great for me. I ran almost the entire time, which was also good for me. Mike had a great time, and got just over 30 minutes!!
Here we are before the race!

Um, it must be the camera or lighting, cuz I swear, my legs aren't that white!
Friday, November 19, 2010
What's Happening
This week has been very busy. I didn't even post my Wednesday dinner! Yikes! We're getting everything ready for MaryLou and Al (in-laws) to visit. The house is kinda torn apart for the carpets to finish drying. I get a bit frazzled when my little world isn't in order, but I'm coping. Today I cleaned the fridge and pantry. The BIG CLEAN will happen this weekend. Now, I know if my MIL, MaryLou reads this, she'll say, "Oh, don't go to all that trouble." I love her. It's because I do that I clean for her! Oh, and Al, too. haha
Here's the latest on the computer: Mike got us a new version of Windows xp and now we're back on the old computer. Good thing, the temporary one was attacked by a virus...pretty nasty stuff. Um, not nasty-nasty, just extremely invasive. Anyway, we're still waiting for him put the old files back on the computer, but that may take a while. Hey, it's been since July, so I know how to be patient.
Here's a goofy pic of me with the beret I knit for Charlotte's mom who is going through chemo. A head with no hair needs a soft hat, don't you think? Here's the pattern if you're interested...another wonderful freebie on Ravelry. Thanks for the photo, Jen!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Velocity Update
Veronica and Joey had Velocity (winter drumline) tryouts on Saturday. They got the results yesterday. Veronica will be in the "pit" again and will either play vibes or marimba, apparently she won't know till she gets her music. Joey is playing cymbals. There are 20 kids total.
The music is going to be songs you know...the kids couldn't remember them all, but one is Dream On. I guess it's going to take on a "darker" theme, in contrast to last years "Love in Suspension" theme. The first practice is the first Monday back after Thanksgiving. They're super excited! Me too!!
The music is going to be songs you know...the kids couldn't remember them all, but one is Dream On. I guess it's going to take on a "darker" theme, in contrast to last years "Love in Suspension" theme. The first practice is the first Monday back after Thanksgiving. They're super excited! Me too!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What's for Dinner Wednesday!
I actually had a couple requests for last weeks dinner recipe, Tuna Broccoli Casserole...so here it is. It's just a guideline, but don't panic, it's really hard to mess up.
Tuna Broccoli Casserole
1 can tuna, drained
broccoli (about 2 cups chopped, fresh or frozen...fresh is better cuz you get the crunch, but frozen works, too)
Elbow pasta...or any kind of small pasta (not spag noodles, in other words) about 1.5 cups uncooked
1 can cream of mushroom soup
french fried onions
2 cups grated cheese (cheddar or jack)
Cook the pasta just under al dente (it'll finish cooking in the casserole). While the pasta is cooking throw the chopped broccoli, tuna, soup, cheese and about a cup of the ffonions in a bowl. When the pasta is done, drain it and throw it in the bowl with the other stuff. Mix it together...add some milk to this, maybe 3/4 a cup, you want it moist, but not runny. Pour it in a 2 quart casserole dish (Spray it with Pam for easy cleanup, but you probably do this automatically, huh?). Top with more ffonions...or if you're not a fan of those, cheese. I usually bake it at 350 degrees for about 1/2 hour. It's weird, but oh, so good!
Ok, now onto tonight's meal!

Black Bean Soup
This is a recipe I got out of a Cooking Light Magazine and have been cooking since 1997.
Here's the recipe:
Black Bean Soup
1 tbl. oil
1 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 (15 oz.) cans black beans, drained (I usually get the low-sodium.)
1/2 c. water
1 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1 (14.5 oz ) stewed tomatoes, undrained and chopped
1 (10.5 oz) can chicken broth (I just pour out a cup or so from one of those box thingies.)
1 (4 oz) can chopped green chiles, undrained
1 tbl. lemon juice
plain low-fat yogurt
Saute onion and garlic in the oil till tender. Add 1 cup of the beans and mash with a potato masher. Add remaining beans, water and next 5 ingredients; stir well. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce heat and summer 15 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in lemon juice. Ladle into bowls and top with a dollop of yogurt.
This is real quick to throw together and tastes super good. The soup is tangy and that dollop of yogurt is kinda sweet...great combo. The knit group is meeting at Panera tonight...so you know this is good if I'm passing up Panera soup for this! I do wish I had some of their bread to go with this...hmmm...I might have to make a quick stop for some bread after I go to Target. That's the ticket!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Day Off
So today is my day off. I'm not doing a whole bunch. It's cold outside today, for Florida anyway. I think the high today will be 63 degrees. It was in the 40s this morning and tonight and tomorrow night promise to get in the mid 30s. Burrr. Good knitted sock weather though... :D!
I cleaned out a few drawers (I had Justine cracking up this morning when I told her I was going to clean out my drawers.), gave clothes to the Goodwill and threw a bunch of old stuff away. I now have expanded my sock drawer to two drawers. I have...wait......for...........it................36 pairs of hand knit socks. I didn't knit them all...Jen knit two for me. I was curious how many 2x2 rib socks I had compared to how many non-2x2 socks. Twenty-two 2x2. (Weird.)
Anyway, I'm doing some knitting today, it is after all, my day off. I'm working on Meret (lacy beret) for Charlotte's mom, who's going through chemo and will need to keep her hairless head warm in the months to come. I need to weave in the ends on a pair of socks I just finished (they're going into the Christmas pile, so they don't count toward the sock stats). I really wonder; just how many socks have I knit? You know, all together, over the years. Hmmm. I really do need to get to work on the last of my Bridgewater shawl...that lace around the perimeter is going to take a while, but it'll take much, much longer if I don't get crackin! Um, I mean clickin!
Hope you're having a good day, too!
I cleaned out a few drawers (I had Justine cracking up this morning when I told her I was going to clean out my drawers.), gave clothes to the Goodwill and threw a bunch of old stuff away. I now have expanded my sock drawer to two drawers. I have...wait......for...........it................36 pairs of hand knit socks. I didn't knit them all...Jen knit two for me. I was curious how many 2x2 rib socks I had compared to how many non-2x2 socks. Twenty-two 2x2. (Weird.)
Anyway, I'm doing some knitting today, it is after all, my day off. I'm working on Meret (lacy beret) for Charlotte's mom, who's going through chemo and will need to keep her hairless head warm in the months to come. I need to weave in the ends on a pair of socks I just finished (they're going into the Christmas pile, so they don't count toward the sock stats). I really wonder; just how many socks have I knit? You know, all together, over the years. Hmmm. I really do need to get to work on the last of my Bridgewater shawl...that lace around the perimeter is going to take a while, but it'll take much, much longer if I don't get crackin! Um, I mean clickin!
Hope you're having a good day, too!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Next Race...bummer

The Mallrat Duathlon has been cancelled!
Due to a scheduling conflict with the mall, the November 21st date was
cancelled and with limited time to find an alternate date for the event,
we are unable to reschedule the duathlon for the remainder of this year .
Those athletes that had signed up for the event will be receiving a full refund
and an email within the next week or they can email info@drcsports.com.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
We look forward to bringing this event to Jacksonville in 2011.
(This is what was posted on the DRC website.)
Jen, Mike and I are so bummed.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What's For Dinner Wednesday
A long time ago, when I was a young bride, my husband used to cook for me. Oh what sweet days those were. Ok, he cooks now, but only if it's on the BBQ. When we were both working (before kids) we used to take turns cooking dinner. His speciality was "Tuna Broccoli Roll-Ups". Sounds gross, but it's really good. Then the kids came along and I started making this dish. You make a filling, use flour tortillas, fill them, line a 9x13 pan, make a sauce to cover, add grated cheese...it's a bit of work. I have since modified the recipe to suit my busy working-mom lifestyle. Now, I mix everything up in a casserole (substitute pasta for flour tortillas...for that comfort food feeling), top with cheese and french fried onions. Here's the ingredients for "Tuna Broccoli Casserole":

Here's the casserole after cooking:

It's so yummy...crunchy onions on top with pasta, cheese and broccoli (with a little crunch still in them). It's weird, but really, really good.
Gotta go eat now...
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